Refet Yalçin
I am a Franco-Kurdish scientist working on heat transfer with an expertise on radiative heat transfer at Saint-Gobain Research Paris. My goal is to orientate my research to address the common problems of humanity such as global warming, energy efficiency and food. My research is based on radiative heat transfer and photonics. Application fields include but are not limited to improving thermal efficiencies of insulation materials to engineer sustainable - green buildings, improving crop growth of greenhouses by altering solar spectrum using fluorescent greenhouse coatings, improving thermal insulation by IR opacification and structure tuning from very low (cryogenic, liquid hydrogen storage) to very high (thermal runaway in batteries) temperature applications.
I had my PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Bogazici University. I came to Institut Pprime, France in 2019 as a CNRS researcher. I won two prestigious fellowships. With the Fulbright fellowship I went to UCLA, Los Angeles in the beginning of 2021 for about a year as a visiting scholar. Then, with the MSCA Individual Fellowship I returned to France at the end of 2021. I've joined Saint-Gobain research in 2022 and am currently conducting my research here. At present, I have 20+ published papers in SCIE indexed peer-reviewed journals, 1 published and 1 pending patent along with several patents and publications in the pipeline.